News list for " Cleveland"

The head of the Cleveland Fed noted that she needs to see inflation returning to 2% sustainably and that current interest rates "may already be at or near neutral". Click to view...

The head of the Cleveland Fed noted that she needs to see inflation returning to 2% sustainably and that current interest rates "may already be at or near neutral". Click to view...

2025-02-11 14:19:08
Federal Reserve official Hammack: Interest rates should be kept unchanged until inflation falls further

Cleveland Fed President Beth Hammack said it would be appropriate to keep interest rates on hold for "some time" while policymakers wait for inflation to decline further and analyze the economic impact of the new administration's policies. "We've made good progress, but 2 percent inflation is yet to be seen," Hammack said in a note prepared for the event in Lexington, Kentucky, on Tuesday. "As long as the labor market remains healthy, I will look for inflation before further policy adjustments.....

2025-02-11 14:34:31
Cleveland Fed President Mark Hammarck dissented at the third Fed meeting, where she was only involved in decision-making. She opposed the idea that interest rates had to be cut due to market expectations at the time, and said her objection was supported by Powell and other colleagues. Click...

Cleveland Fed President Mark Hammarck dissented at the third Fed meeting, where she only participated in decision-making. She opposed the idea that interest rates had to be cut due to market expectations at the time, and said her objection was supported by Powell and other colleagues. Click to view > >

2025-01-17 13:45:56
Federal Reserve official Hammack, who voted only against it, emphasized inflation concerns, saying monetary policy was not far from neutral

Beth Hammack, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, explained why she voted no at this week's meeting, saying interest rates should be kept steady until more progress is made in reducing inflation. Hammack said she believed interest rates were near neutral levels that would neither drag down nor stimulate the economy, and suggested they should remain high enough to moderately constrain economic activity "for a period of time." In my estimation, monetary policy is not far from neutr...

2024-12-20 15:44:51
NBA star Tristan Thompson tweeted about Meme Coin WHY on BNB Chain

NBA Cleveland Cavaliers active player Tristan Thompson (Tristan Thompson) recently mentioned the popular Meme coin WHY on the BNB Chain many times on X, and compared with the market value of SOL, BNB and WIF.

2024-07-29 03:15:17
The 2024 FOMC voting committee and Cleveland Fed President Mester's interview with Bloomberg Television will be released in ten minutes.

The 2024 FOMC voting committee and Cleveland Fed President Mester's interview with Bloomberg Television will be released in ten minutes.

2024-06-14 17:05:00
The Cleveland Fed has appointed former Goldman Sachs partner Beth Hammack as its new president

The Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland has named Beth Hammack, a former Goldman Sachs employee, as its next president, according to reports. Hammack has more than 30 years of experience in finance, capital markets and risk management. She will replace Meister, who steps down on June 30 after a decade in the role. She will vote on monetary policy decisions this year after taking office on August 21. Hammack, 52, joined Goldman in 1993 and has held various roles handling agency bonds, interest rate...

2024-05-29 14:32:32
The 2024 FOMC voting committee and Cleveland Fed President Mester will speak on the economic outlook in ten minutes.

The 2024 FOMC voting committee and Cleveland Fed President Mester will speak on the economic outlook in ten minutes.

2024-05-16 15:50:00
The 2024 FOMC voting committee and Cleveland Fed President Mester will speak in ten minutes.

The 2024 FOMC voting committee and Cleveland Fed President Mester will speak in ten minutes.

2024-04-17 21:20:00

7x24 Newsflash

04:49 2025-03-25
在美联储宣布放缓缩表后比特币自83000美元下方反弹并短暂突破88000美元,加密研究平台Hyblock Capital首席执行官Shubh Varma指出,缩表减速或提升流动性,利好加密货币等风险资产,但特朗普关税政策不确定性的担忧一直在打压股市和加密货币,有分析认为技术面看BTC或下探7万美元后方能重启升势。另据芝加哥商品交易所的美联储观察工具显示,联邦基金期货价格反映出美...
04:40 2025-03-25
Vest Labs完成500万美元种子轮融资,Amber Group、QCP Capital等参投
基于实时风险定价的金融基础设施公司Vest Labs宣布完成500万美元种子轮融资,Jane Street、Amber Group、Selini Capital、QCP Capital和Big Brain Holdings等参投,新资金将用于支持其构建基于零知识证明的实时、可验证的风险定价模型来提升金融市场透明度和效率,同时还将推出支持Arbitrum、Solana、Base等L2的永续期货交易平台。
04:37 2025-03-25
特朗普媒体科技集团拟与 合作推出一系列 ETF 产品
3月25日消息,特朗普媒体科技集团宣布与加密货币交易所 达成一项非约束性协议,将合作推出一系列交易所交易基金和相关产品,这些 ETF 预计将包括数字资产以及以美国制造为重点的证券,涉及能源等不同行业,计划于今年晚些时候推出,但需获得监管机构的批准。
04:21 2025-03-25
据The Data Nerd监测,过去24小时内,Cumberland向交易平台(Binance、OKX、Kraken、Bybit、Coinbase)共存入了1.1754亿稳定币,其中包括:·2980万枚USDT·8734万枚USDC
04:18 2025-03-25
04:18 2025-03-25
04:15 2025-03-25
04:09 2025-03-25
GMGN 联创:网页端无法买卖问题或因浏览器插件太多
04:05 2025-03-25
04:03 2025-03-25
金色午报 | 3月25日午间重要动态一览
7:00-12:00关键词:白宫、赵长鹏、USD1 1.白宫推动下个月将稳定币立法提交参议院审议; 2.俄克拉荷马州众议院投票通过战略比特币储备法案; 3.美SEC专员:加密行业需要明确、合理的监管权力界限; 4.赵长鹏:WLFI 推出的稳定币 USD1 尚不可交易,谨防诈骗; 5.肯塔基州正式签署《比特币权利法案》,保障自托管和节点运行权利; 6.黑石集团总裁:别对特...
04:03 2025-03-25
04:03 2025-03-25